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Table Of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 0
DemoScene Overview ............................................................................................................................. 1
Start Tutorial ............................................................................................................................................ 2
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DemoScene overview
The TimeManager is the gameobject that manage the Sun, Moon, SunAstre, MoonAstre and StarsDome. It rotates the light around an axis and set the position of both Astre objects to a x distance.
The ChestPrefab are all the same but still original prefabs.
They contains the same inventory setup as The Player.
The ItemSpawner instantiates items to a x amount. It can instantiate different amount for each items.
It also instantiates Stars really high in the sky.
Pick up item : E
Open bag : I
Open chest : E or I
Transfer items : Right Click
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Start Tutorial
The ChestPrefab contains 7 child. The first two are the model. The PhysicalInventory and The VirtualInventory are the important child.
The PhysicalInventory : at runtime it will be filled with "ItemNameParent" to store all the same physical items under a "MasterParent".
The VirtualInventory is just a Canvas with a Panel inside that contains 3 child, only the first 2 are important.
The UISlots contains 16 images composed in a grid to display the items inside the inventory.
The Quants contains 16 text component to display the amount of each items inside the inventory.
The ItemColliders contains multiple box collider for simple collisions with the chest.
As you can see, The Player has the exact same child hierarchy and works the same as The ChestPrefab.
The Resources folder contains the Items and their respective UI sprite carefully named "Item(Clone)".
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