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Table Of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 0

DemoScene Overview ............................................................................................................................. 1

Start Tutorial ............................................................................................................................................ 2

Useful Links ............................................................................................................................................. 3

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DemoScene overview

TerrainGenerator is the gameobject that generate the Terrain mesh according to the settings TerrainData, NoiseData and ColorData.

The GeneratedMesh is the actual mesh of the Terrain with it's mesh collider and material.


The MiniMap is almost the same as GeneratedMesh but without applying the HeightMap or adding colliders. The MiniMapCamera creates render texture to display the MiniMap on the MainCamera. The MiniMapLight only affects the MiniMap.

The RuntimeModifCanvas object is the gameobject that enables TerrainRuntimeModification, instead of changing the settings from the Data Folder inside unity, TerrainRuntimeModification enables you to make a build and keep modifying the terrain settings.


The ObjectSpawner spawns object on top of the terrain, it also spawn object at certain height only or certain amount of patches, like spawning corals underwater or forest clumps. 
PathSpawner create procedurally generated path along the terrain to add flat collision. It can also spawn parkour structure with Parkour path.


Electurch is one of my Goblimps, He has idle, walking, running, jumping and falling animations. 


The GrassSpawner spawns grass blades it uses the Grass Compute shader from MinionsArt. To make your object interact with the grass they need the ShaderInteractor.cs


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Start Tutorial


Octaves: The number of layer of noise applied (from 0 to 6)

Persistance: Controls decrease in amplitude of octaves (from 0 to 1)

Lacunarity: Controls increase in frequency of octaves (from 1 to 2.5)

Scale: Changes the scale of the perlin noise (from 1 to 500)

Seeds: Generates another random terrain with same settings (from -100000 to 100000)



UseFlatShading: The appearance of the mesh edges are determined to be evened out (false/smooth) or well defined (true/flat).

UseFallOff: Use FallOff texture to clamp the height (create island)

UseFallOn: Use inversed FallOff texture to clamp the height (create wall around)

Height: Modify the Max and Min height of the Terrain (from 0 to 500)



Name: Name of the region

Height: Height of the region (from 0 to 1)

Color: Color of the region (click on it to change)


How to use my system in your scene?

Step1: Do you want your player to be able to change all the settings of the terrain? If yes keep reading, if no jump to step 4. 


Step2: If you said yes at step1, you will need the TerrainRuntimeModification.cs along with the RuntimeModifCanvas prefab and the Event System for the Canvas to work.


Step3: If you want your player to be able to change the seeds only like in Minecraft, you will only need the SeedChanged() from TerrainRuntimeModification.cs as long as the SeedSlider. 


Step4: If you said no at step1, you just want the generated mesh then. You will need the FBXExporter package and just export the generated mesh to an fbx.

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Useful Links

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